Friday, August 6, 2010

Do You Know John Goodman?

Who Is This Guy? and What Does He Do???

Alina Dain

John Goodman, known best from the 90’s sitcom Roseanne, is attracting attention for losing a whopping 100 pounds. According to ABC News, the actor uses an elliptical machine to work out six times a week and avoids eating sugar.
“I know it sounds sappy, but it was a waste,” the 58-year-old actor told People Magazine. The Huffington Post quoted from the interview with the actor.

“It takes a lot of creative energy to sit on your ass and figure out what you’re going to eat next ... I wanted to live life better,” he said.
Goodman also cites the fact that he recently quit drinking as a factor in his new and improved healthy lifestyle. All that combined with training help from celebrity health coach Mackie Shilstone, has set the bar high for the rest of us.

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